3 Steps to practice mindfulness in waiting times
In total we spent about 5 years of our lives for waiting…in the traffic jam, line at the supermarket, in front of the cinema box office, to board the plane…
In our life we find such situations almost daily. They make us feel that we are wasting time. However this time can become very valuable moments for our personal growth.
If applying the following exercise of mindfulness regularly in waiting situations we can not only eliminate the desperation at the time expected to cause stress and long-term stress but also increase your knowledge about yourself and introduce patterns of important behavior for more quietness and wellness.
1. It recognizes the potential waiting time to work on your personal growth.
2. Focuses attention on your breath and watch.
3. Ask yourself: What do I think at this time? What do I feel right now?
Try just observe your thoughts and feelings without judging or trying to change them.
See the schedule for upcoming workshops in Mindfulness.
If you are interested in a private consultation or individual therapy contact me.